Good Environmental Choice Australia or GECA, is a Not-For-Profit, Multi-Sector Sustainability and Environmental Certification Program and Advisory.
Driven by purpose, GECA strives to promote cleaner, greener production practices for a sustainable, safe, and ethical future. GECA accreditation serves to uphold the credibility of claims of eco-friendly practices and features of products through vigorous scientific and technical assessment.
Good Environmental Choice Australia for Cleaner Consumer Choices

With thorough, trustworthy, and unbiased assessment of products, GECA makes making eco-conscious consumer choices easy and risk-free. Current times require us to both urgently stay safe from pandemic spreading pathogens, and choose eco-friendly, bio-degradable disinfectants and cleaning products that do so.
At Briskleen, we distribute GECA accredited products by Agar Chemicals that have been assessed for their performance and eco-friendly qualities.
Hygiene Specialists in WA since 1983
GECA: An Eco-Label that Covers All
With a comprehensive assessment procedure in place, GECA investigates production processes fully, from raw-material sourcing to packaging and distribution. GECA ensures that accredited products use raw-materials that are sustainably sourced, use environmentally friendly packaging, and responsible shipping methods to lower carbon footprints, either fully or to a substantial extent. The certification body also assesses chemical composition of products and the toxicity levels of their byproducts and amounts of waste produced post-use.
Reduction of production waste, and healthy waste management habits of companies are keenly noted.
Good Environmental Choice Australia seeks to prevent “greenwashing” of products, inaccurately claiming to be eco-conscious. Toxins and Carcinogens even in trace amounts can cause devastating effects for the human body in the long term. In the same way, VOCs (Volatile Organic Compounds), Lead, Sulphur Dioxide and other compounds can lead to more destructive effects on the environment, in turn harming life on earth irreversibly.
An aspect of production of utmost importance to GECA accreditation is inspecting production ethics including healthy working conditions and livable wages for workers, and practicing fair trade.
Consuming goods is no longer a simple act of buying, and includes weighing out many factors (Health, Social, Ethical, and Environmental). Every purchase is a choice that consumers make for their families and the eco-social future of the planet. GECA approval on products takes this burden off busy consumers’.
The GECA eco-label is the prime seal of product safety; for you and Earth.
How GECA does it
Good Environmental Choice Australia calls for complete transparency from companies that wish to receive their accreditation, and carries out on-going, timely audits for eco-labeled products post-accreditation. Going a step further, GECA acts as an advisory body educating businesses on methods to further grow their eco-conscious practices.
Companies are notified, advised, and given ample time to make appropriate changes in the event that new scientific findings are released that challenge existing production methods, raw-materials etc.
GECA’s industry specific accreditation assessment helps cover industries ranging from construction, healthcare, hospitality, chemical production, and even furniture manufacturing.
The GECA certification is product specific, and does not extend to the company that the product originates from, establishing the certification body’s care for precision.
Good Environmental Choice Australia puts away public worries of living a green and sustainable lifestyle for good!
Visit www.geca.eco to learn more.
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Eco Friendly Green Chemical Product Range
Eco Friendly Green Chemical Product Range