Diggers Methylated Spirits 4 Litre
Diggers Methylated Spirits is a heavy-duty disinfectant and hard surface cleaner for glass, mirrors, showers, tiles, fridges and other household appliances. Thinning paints, lacquers and varnishes and cleaning paint brushes. It is a highly cost-effective cleaner and is non-smearing. It Burns clean, leaving very little fumes or black marks. The Methylated Spirits is Miscible in water and hydrocarbon solvents. The alcohol smell is burnt off in heating.
Diggers Methylated Spirits 4 Litre
Diggers Methylated Spirits 4 Litre is a denatured alcohol and a great cleaning agent for your home. It can be used as a hard surface cleaner, disinfectant and burner fuel. Visit the Online Store for Additional Products.
- Stain remover/removing ink from non-porous surfaces
- Window and floor cleaner
- Removing sticker residue
- Windscreen washer additive
- Heaters used for food warming